Cambridge Conversations: Responding to the Medical Challenges of Covid-19




University of Cambridge





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This webinar as part of the 'Cambridge Conversations,' discusses the latest scientific information about Covid-19 as an antidote to the speculation and misinformation rampant on social media. It is available on the Youtube channel hosted by the University of Cambridge Development and Alumni Relations office. It took place on April 17, 2020, featuring Professor Ken Smith and Dr. Nick Matheson, with facilitator Dr. Chris Smith of the Naked Scientists podcast.

As the COVID-19 pandemic confronts the world, Cambridge experts are leading research into diagnosis and treatment of the virus itself, and examining the resulting challenges to our society -- our economy, politics and educational system among many others.

Some of the questions addressed in the webinar are:

  • What line of the potential treatments under investigation so far represent our best hope in combating the virus?
  • Is convalescent plasma therapy the only reasonable solution in the short term?
  • Do asymptomatic carriers shed live virus indefinitely or does their immune system kill it off quickly?