Journal of Peace Research (JPR)




Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)


SAGE Journals


Contains open access

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This interdisciplinary journal publishes research in the domain of conflict resolution, peace and security. It can be accessed through the website of SAGE journals, an academic publisher.

The journal focusses on methodologies and theories that explain causes of violence. It is edited by the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), a research institution that develops research methodologies and theoretical models to explain conflict resolution and conditions for maintaining peaceful relations between states, groups and people.

 Some of the articles from the recent issues are:

  • Terrorism and emergency constitutions in the Muslim world
  • How war-related deprivation affects political participation: Evidence from education loss in Liberia
  • Identity threats and ideas of superiority as drivers of religious violence? Evidence from a survey experiment in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania