Journal of the American Institute for Conservation (JAIC)




American Institute for the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC)


Taylor and Francis Online


Contains open access

Available in



This journal publishes research pertaining to the field of conservation and preservation of historic and cultural works. It can be accessed through the website of Taylor and Francis Online, an academic publishing platform.

The journal features peer-reviewed technical studies, research papers, treatment case studies, and ethics and standards discussions, focussing on conservation specialties such as architecture, preventive conservation and archaeology. Additionally, it invites short communications and longer submissions, highlighting conservation of books, paper, paintings, photography, textiles and wooden crafts. The intended audience are preservation and conservation professionals.

Some of the latest, most read and most cited articles are:

  • 3D scanning and replication for museum and cultural heritage applications
  • Teaching sustainable collection care
  • Conservation of severely deteriorated, dry painted wood: A case study from Abydos, Egypt
  • Framing the sanctuary: A study of paintings on Sinan’s Domed arcade in the Grand Mosque of Mecca
  • Vibration mitigation and monitoring: A case study of construction in a museum
  • Improving reliability in collection condition surveys by utilizing training and decision guides
  • Preventive conservation research and practice at the British Museum