Module 13: Curator Training




World Digital Francophone University (UNFM)




Free (registration required)

Available in



This course is a 'toolbox' intended for the training of curators. This is available through e-patrimoines, an e-learning training program launched by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication (Directorate General of Cultural Heritage – Department of European and International Affairs). It was undertaken in partnership with the University Agency of the Francophonie (AUF) and the World Digital Francophone University (UNFM). For this course, these institutions are partnering with the French Institute of Cotonou (Benin) to offer continuous training for curators.

Lessons based on the experiences and know-how of various professionals around the themes of preserving, enhancing, managing and administering collections, will allow participants to grasp the multiple facets of this profession. Although initially intended for the training of curators from Benin, this course will apply more broadly to sub-Saharan countries.

Some of the course contents are:

  • Emergency program in museums
  • Fight against trafficking in cultural goods
  • School audiences and museums
  • Communication at the service of museums