Sustainable Architecture

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Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee


National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL)


Free (certificate fee: USD$ 13, optional)

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This course discusses how buildings can be made more sustainable through optimal consumption of resources. It is offered by the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee through National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), an online education platform.

Buildings are a major consumer of resources through their life time. This has been realized by the nations world over and hence stricter norms and laws for construction are being laid. In addition to discussing terminologies related to sustainable architecture such as carbon footprint and life cycle analysis, this course also elaborates upon strategies and technology for water conservation, software use for energy compliance, and rating systems prevalent in India.

Some of the course contents are:

  • Basic parameters of sustainable buildings
  • Design, practices and technology which would lead to creation of green buildings
  • Science behind performance of efficient buildings